Incredible Journey ICS 414 was the first in-person group project course I had since the pandemic and I felt it was an incredible experience. The reasons are my fellow group members, the tremendous support from Professor Moore, and clients who...
Incredible Journey This past spring semester I felt my brain has been put through the wringer. The varying levels of stress, the amount and speed of learning new concepts, designing and building a web app….and all done virtually. Overcoming panic...
Baking Recently I got back into baking, more specifically baking bread. The basic ingredients for most breads are flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and water. The addition of other ingredients produces different types of breads, airy, dense, sweet or savory, but...
UI Frameworks like Semantic UI are great tools to create attractive modern web applications easily. The features and functions available help front-end developers build webpages more uniformly across all platforms. When linking to the framework, any changes or new features...
Coding standards are a great way for new programmers to develop best practice habits when starting out. These standards provide a structure, helps with syntax (won’t help with logic), and promotes cohesion within the team. The code conforming to these...
“How To Ask Questions The Smart Way” by Eric Steven Raymond is a useful essay that guides developers on how effectively they should ask questions on forums, newsgroups, and email. On StackOverflow, I found two examples of a smart way...
I took an introductory course in web design in 2012 that incorporated Javascript but have not used it extensively in my other programming projects for school and work. Evolution of a language As I reviewed the FreeCodeCamp lessons, I began...
Evolution of ICS 111 Introduction to Computer Science I at the University of Hawaii System
21 Jan 2021
When I first started my academic journey back in the mid 1990s, I was interested in the computer science program and declared it as my major. Computers back then were big, slow, and expensive. The Internet was still being developed...